How to Freeze Avocados

I’m sharing another tutorial today! Do you ever have avocados sitting on your counter that need to be used before they get too ripe? Or you want some avocados to use in a recipe later on, but the only ones available in the stores are ready to use right then? This was my dilemma a couple weeks ago. I wanted some avocados for my Chipotle Chicken Taco Salad and to use on sandwiches for lunch. There was even a super sale (2/$1.00) so I stocked up, but they were ripe that second and needed to be stored, so I froze them! You have to puree them up with some lime/lemon juice to keep them green, but I used the avocado puree like guacamole for our salad and spread it on my bread for sandwiches like I would miracle whip or mayo. Worked out great!
Here’s how you do it: Slice avocados in half and remove the pit. Prepare your food processor or blender and have some lime or lemon juice handy.
Scoop out the avocado flesh and place it into the food processor/blender.
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For each avocado, use 1 Tbsp of lime/lemon juice.
Puree until smooth and then freeze in freezer jars with lids, or in an ice cube tray for smaller servings. Once the ice cubes are frozen, pop them out and place them in a freezer bag that has been labeled with the date.
To use the avocado puree, pull the desired amount of avocado cubes out of the freezer and let them thaw in a container with a lid in the refrigerator overnight or zap them in the microwave for 30 seconds or so. For larger quantities like the freezer jars, thaw in the refrigerator overnight. Use thawed avocados within a day or two. Freeze up to 1 month.
This will be a great way for me to keep on hand avacado to use for my salad dressing!!Trying to eat more CLEAN natural foods to stay healthier! great way to not waste!!! love it!!! Thank you for your great posts!!!
Great idea to use this for salad dressing!
Hi! Great idea!
I was just blessed with OVER 60!!! avocados from my husband’s cousin. They were all in desperate need of being used or frozen. I took out a few that I could use within 2 days and froze the rest. The ones that were firm enough, I cut in half, seeded, peeled and placed face down on a cookie sheet, put wax paper over them and stuck them in the freezer until frozen, then placed in gallon ziplock bags. The ones that were a little softer, I put 2 at a time in quart sized freezer bags and then squished them, let out all of the air, zipped em up then froze them. I didn’t use any citrus on them and they are still green. I think so long as they don’t sit out in the open air for too long after they’ve been peeled they’ll maintain their color. However, I have not yet removed any from the freezer to defrost or anything yet, so I don’t know how they’ll turn out in that process lol.
I’m not trying to take away from your blog at all, I just wanted to share this in case you’re out of limes or to save you from extra work if you don’t need to. 🙂
Thanks for your extra tips and experience! Everyone can learn from it!
So glad you wrote this. I am doing this right now, so I wanted to refer to this post. Thank you!! You just saved me $5!!
This is so brilliant. We usually only use 1/2 at a time, so this will save us a ton of money and a great way to preserve the other half.
Nice! Glad I could help!
Oo these would be perfect for baby food too! Thanks Amber!
Yes, but I would leave out the lemon juice if you’re using it for baby, depending on how old they are, because if I remember right they can’t have citrus until closer to 1 year old.
Love it! Great tip! Pinned.
Thanks for pinning Alli!
This is genius! I love avocados but I don’t love how fast they go bad. I will be doing this for sure! Thanks!
Thanks Kami!
what a great idea! I see great deals on avocados at Aldi and always wish I could “stock up” on them. I’ll definitely try this, thanks!
For sure, they don’t last super long like a month before they start discoloring, but if you plan on using them soon, it’s a great thing to try!