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How To… Make Your Strawberries Last Longer!

Today’s post is the first of {hopefully} many educational posts. I am trying to give you tips & tricks on this blog that I have learned on my own or through culinary school. This one is totally a Pinterest trick that I learned. I had to test it out & let you know if it worked & I am pleased with the results. If you saw my Low-Sugar Strawberry Freezer Jam recipe, then you know I had a lot of strawberries from a flat (8lbs) of strawberries I had purchased super cheap ($3.99!)  I went through my strawberries, picked out the moldy/rotting ones & then did this little trick:

Place whole strawberries, stems & all in a clean sink with 1 part white vinegar to 10 parts cold water. (I did 2 cups of vinegar to 20 cups of water–I had 8lbs of strawberries after all.)  The vinegar cleans, sanitizes, & kills mold spores keeping the strawberries fresh longer (The vinegar does not affect the taste.)  The cold water shocks the strawberries to wake them up a little bit, helping them stay crisp. Let soak for 5 minutes.

 Then, GENTLY spin strawberries in a salad spinner until mostly dry. 

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Place clean & dry strawberries in a paper towel lined bowl (to help soak up any extra moisture) & leave uncovered in the refrigerator. Done!

I know this cleaned the strawberries really well because my sink was full of dirt after I finished with all the strawberries.

I bought my flat of strawberries on a Wednesday, did this trick on Thursday & half of them (4lbs) have lasted almost 1 whole week!  We of course ate some of the softer ones, made jam with others, & then I had a party for my friends with fruit & Coconut Cream Fruit Dip (my favorite & most popular recipe.)  I would say the majority of them lasted 4 days after washing them, & then they started getting a little wrinkled on the outside by days 5 & 6. They were pretty ripe when I bought them too.

This trick should work on any berries you have. Try it!

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  1. Also works wit raspberries

    1. I think it’s a great trick for most produce! Glad to know it works for raspberries too!

  2. cheryl brallier says:

    Thanks, this works with lettuce also…thanks for expanding the idea

    1. Yes, I’ve tried it with lettuce too! It’s awesome!

  3. I must try this! Strawberries go bad way too fast around our house. Thanks for linking up to Tasty Tuesdays. 🙂

  4. I actually did this when I lived in Ecuador but totally forgot… funny how that happens! Great tip; thanks Amber! 🙂

  5. Isn’t vinegar such an amazing thing? I haven’t dared soak my strawberries that long, I’m afraid they would get soggy. Enter the berry spinner. Fabulous. I need to try that 🙂 Thanks for linking up with me @ Great Idea Thursday’s! Krista @ A Handful of Everything

  6. Oh, how clever! Although, strawberries don’t last long at all in this house; we eat them too quickly! Thank you so much for linking up with me this week at Tasty Tuesdays! I’ve pinned this & shared it with my followers!

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