Melt the orange candy melts (they taste like vanilla) in the microwave according to the directions on the package. Then dip your (rinsed and dried) strawberries into the orange melts, scrape off any excess, and lay them on a piece of wax paper. Put some of the melted orange candy melts into a zip-top sandwich bag. Cut off the corner, and drizzle a zig-zag line across the orange strawberries for a “carrot”-type look.
Crush some Oreos in a zip-top bag with a rolling pin. About 1 Oreo per pudding cup.
Open up the Snack Pack Pudding cups with the easy open lid, and sprinkle some Oreo “dirt” into the top of each pudding cup. Dip a “carrot” strawberry into them, and enjoy!
There is enough candy melt to dip 1lb of strawberries, although you will only need 6 strawberries for the 6 count SUPER Snack Pack.