In a food processor or good blender, blend the flour, shortening & salt until the shortening is finely ground into the flour & there are no chunks. Pulse as necessary.
Slowly add water to running food processor until dough balls up & there are no dry parts. I ended up using the whole ¾ cup.
Empty dough onto a lightly floured surface & gently knead until it the dough is smooth. About 2 minutes.
Cut dough into 12 pieces, shape into balls, cover & let rest for 30 minutes.
Lightly dust work surface & rolling pin. Roll each ball as thin as you can into a circle. Repeat with each ball, lightly overlapping & covering the tortillas as you go.
Using a griddle at 400˚F or a hot skillet, brown each side of the tortilla. About 45 seconds each. When it bubbles & puffs up, it's time to flip it over. Do not over-cook or they will be dry & crisp.